What is the name of this machine?
Von Neumann/Turing
- Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
- Eckert and Mauchly
- University of Pennsylvania
- Making a table of distance and trajectory control of new weapons
- Started in 1943
- Completed in 1946 Too late for war effort
- Used until 1955
- Decimal (not binary)
- 20 accumulators each accommodate 10-digit decimal
- Programmed manually by switches
- 18.000 vacuum tubes
- 30 tons
- 15.000 square meters
- 140 kW power consumption
- Addition of 5.000 operations / second
Von Neumann/Turing
- Main memory, to store data and instructions
- Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), to process binary data.
- Control Unit, to control the instructions in memory.
- I / O, to interact with the outside environment.
- Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies, IAS (Institute for Advanced Computer Studies of).
- Mathematician: ENIAC manufacturing consultant
- 1945 to remedy deficiencies in ENIAC: EDVAC
- EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Computer)
- Concept: stored-program concept
- 1946 published
- Known for: Computer IAS (Institute for Advanced Computer Studies of).
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