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Tips & Trick about Computers


1. PC is off (not able to run the operating system)If your PC will not turn on, does not mean a faulty hard disc. First check the power cord, may be disconnected or power outages. When the electricity to flow and fan power supplay has spun, the BIOS is also active, but can not get in to a system operating, then there might be system files that were deleted. Sign if there is a message invalid system disk or missing operating system.Serious problem that arguably is if the hard disk of the PC did not want to be accessed. First check the data cable, data cable that is plugged in properly and the BIOS can detect your hard drive, then it is likely the cause is a virus attack, mechanical damage, and programs "adverse" to set the hard disk, install a different operating system, or program partitions are actually damaging the hard disk, therefore caution against the virus with anti vurus updated regularly and must not install the program.If the computer still can not boot do not panic, try to check the MBR (master boot record) may be damaged if it is damaged we can make it back to the existing features diwindows 95, 98, ME or from an antivirus program or other utility, how to insert the startup disk and type FDISK / MBR.To reinstate the missing files on windows 95, 98, or Me (not Windows 2000 or XP), turn on your PC with windows startup disk, and after the prompt A: \, type SYS C: and then click enter. Computer system will copy the system files from the diskette to your hard disk.If you have adequate SystemSuite applications or Systemworks, it means that existing facilities management or recovery disk in it. It simply means to secure your computer from damage to the system.

2. Changing Disk PartitionsTo change the hard disk partition, you must back up all data first. So that data is not lost, if you've never ask for help from friends or teachers to guide.To partition the drive to secure better use for the partition program such as PowerQuest's Partition Magic, so as not to cause unwanted problems.

3. Data RecoveryAlthough your PC on fire, drowning, or falling from a height, data rescue is still possible, as long as the disc in the hard disk can still be saved.Services such as data recovery services for this are many. Use the tools data recovery, hard disk or sent to a lab repairs damaged, only, fee for services like these are also very expensive depending on how severe the disk was damaged.

4. Defrag process always fails

Failure of the defrag process usually happens when you run other programs during the process, maybe you felt it was close all the programs, but the computer system still records some programs that are running.To find out, press Ctrl + Alt + Del simultaneously. Dialog box will appear close the program. Perikasa what programs are programsrunning at this time. Besides Explorer and systray, stop all other programs clicked from the list and click the End Task button.Try again to run the defrag process. If the problem persists, try to bring up the System Configuration Utility Dialog Box.

5. Windows registry problems when bootingYou have a problem (broken) when booting windows registry, where you always have to check the computer registry and always restart the computer.Do not be quick to re-install though this is the easiest way (for lazy techs) to address the problem on a windows machine.Try to follow these steps:Start to restart your PC. When the display "loading Windows is shown, press the F8 key to start up menu appears. Select the corresponding number of weeks to run windows on commant mode prompt.At commant prompt, type C: \ windows \ Commant \ attrib-s-h-r C: \ system.1 st <enter>This will change the numbers of certain attrib file that is stored in the registry file before. Furthermore, type C: \ windows \ commant \ attrib-s-h-r C: \ windows \ system.dat <takan enter>. This will mengubagh certain attrib key figures on the actual registry file.At the prom type commant: renc: \ windows \ system.dat *. Dat <ttekan enter> rename the file it will replace the existing registry (system.dat) kesebuah a different name (eg system.dat).From the command prompt, type: copy C: \ system. 1 st C: \ windows \ system.dat to copy a previously saved registry and make it as a registry that will be used.Shut down and restart the PC. When the load is running fine with windows registry files that have changed, then this indicates the existence of registry damage.

6. Make Windows boot fasterOf RegeditCtrl + F type MenuShowDelay    change the value to 0 and hold out.With Tune up utilities 2003This software can maximize computer performance, fix the error and help menkongfigurasi system so windows run faster, safer and convenient.Tune up your control system will configure the system OS you need to modify optical effects, security settings, input options, and memory management. This is similar to the control panel tapih easier.Tune up maneger set the program to be run at boot time windows.program are not used can be turned off so do not waste resources that ada.sedangkan tune disk cleaner to clean up files on hard disk, and tine registry cleaner will clean up kkesalahan invalid entries, references and links on the registry.There are going to tune up the optimizer can monitor the system in background and automatically optimizes your memory when necessary. While the weeks to maintain the confidentiality andm, through the tine up shredder can delete files and can not recover the back.

7. Disabling MS-DOS promptWe've found some to the tightness menonatifkan cafe that features in the windows for security measures. Starting from hiding the run menu, right-click to prohibit. But there is one thing you forgot. They just delete the shortcut [MS-DOS prompt] dimenu [startw indows without disabling through registry. Though off the [Run] without disabling the MS-DOS prompt with a lie because the user can access a variety of applications including the registry editor from there. Usually the MS-DOS can still be accessed via C: \ windows \ or with the [Restart the computer in DOS mode] on windows 9x.If so keadannya, then what's the solution? Mudah.anda way to disable the MS-DOS prompt by-step registry.langkah details are as follows:• Sign keregistry editor with [start]> [Run], type regedit.• Then enter• HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ winoldApp.• If the subkey winoldApp not exist, right click the mouse on the right window disubkey policies, and select [New]> [key].• After that right click mause, laluh select [New]> [DWORD value] to create a new DWORD value.• Give the name of disable and reload its data value to 1• Restart your PC.

8. Avoid the auto restart from kegagalalan System (Windows XP)Click the System Properties -> Advanced -> settings -> start up and recovery -> system check failure, turn off automatically restart.

9. Backup cheap and easy through the utility included in WindowsBias setting your system to make backup files in stages with the most commercial backup program, but you are too biased to do it for free using MS-DOS batch.Simplicity, we assume that you have a My Documents folder on drive C that stores all your data folder, and you want to backup to drive E, which could be a hard disk, Zip disk drive, or whatever drive you frequently use. If a file or disk drive or directory backup requires that berbedam, make an appropriate replacement in this guide.Run notepad windows. Type in a rowXcopy c: \ My document "\ *. * E: \ c \ h \ e \ k \ r \ m.Then select the file, save and store files in the appropriate folder, use the file name as DataBackup.bat. The first part of the name does not matter, but extensinya (after point) should be. Bat, which marks the file and tell the windows of the command file to run in windows.Right click on the Windows desktop and select new, shortcut, create a shortcut in the dialog box, select the Browse button, navigate to the newly created file and select the file and then insert it into the text box Commant line, select the next again, take a shortcut icon to accompany , and then select finish.The advantage to this is to back up your data files by selecting the shortcut. The first time you run the batch file, it will only backup files that you modified since the last time you backup. Depending on the program you use, you may be setting up a batch file automatically when you close the program (look for a macro feature that includes an auto macro with a name like AutoExit).
10. The computer seems slow at startupIf you have a system utility Congfigurasia. Select the startup tab, and clear the check boxes for programs you do not want to load each time Windows is loaded.b. Select the win.ini tab and click the plus sign next to the [windows]. Find the line that begins with load = or run =, and clear the check box for items you do not want to load.c. Select OK, then exit the System Configuration program and restart windows.

11. Your computer takes longer to switch between programs (in Windows 2000).a. To find out if you need to add memory to a computer, start by booting the system and run it primarily to use windows utilities contained in the windows.b. Select start -> run type perfmon in the text dialogue box open, then select OK.c. Select the node system monitor.d. Select the Add (+ icon on the toolbar).e. From the drop-down performance Object, select memory.f. From the drop-down list select Countert list, select Available bytes.g. Select Add, and then select Close.h. Now open all the programs you normally use at once. System Monitor will describe some of the many available memory in your computer. Values ​​less than 4 MB signifies that you need to add memory to a computer.i. Read your system documentation to find out whether the motherboard can accept additional memory. Also know what combination of the capacity of the memory modules that you can plug together, the other thing you have to match the speed, memory type, parity, and the size of the module. Remember you may need to remove the memory module capacity is smaller to make room for larger capacity modules.

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