Standard linux instructions have the following format
$ Name Instructions [options] [arguments]
Pilihab is an option at the start with a minus sign (-). The argument can be empty, one or more arguments (parameters).
$ ls with no arguments
$ ls -a option is-a = all, no arguments
$ ls / bin with no option, the argument is the / bin
$ ls / bin / etc / usr there are three arguments
$ ls -l / user an option and 1argumen 1 = long list
$ ls -la / bin /etc 2 -1 and the-a option and the second argument
$ ls with no arguments
$ ls -a option is-a = all, no arguments
$ ls / bin with no option, the argument is the / bin
$ ls / bin / etc / usr there are three arguments
$ ls -l / user an option and 1argumen 1 = long list
$ ls -la / bin /etc 2 -1 and the-a option and the second argument
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