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  • MySQL Password Auditor: Tools to conduct audits / perform recovery password in MYSQL:
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  • Mole SQL Injection: Tool used to perform SQL Injection on the website, very easy and convenient. 
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  • X-SCAN: Tools are used to check the vulnerability of the network.
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Tips & Trick about Computers


1. PC is off (not able to run the operating system)If your PC will not turn on, does not mean a faulty hard disc. First check the power cord, may be disconnected or power outages. When the electricity to flow and fan power supplay has spun, the BIOS is also active, but can not get in to a system operating, then there might be system files that were deleted. Sign if there is a message invalid system disk or missing operating system.Serious problem that arguably is if the hard disk of the PC did not want to be accessed. First check the data cable, data cable that is plugged in properly and the BIOS can detect your hard drive, then it is likely the cause is a virus attack, mechanical damage, and programs "adverse" to set the hard disk, install a different operating system, or program partitions are actually damaging the hard disk, therefore caution against the virus with anti vurus updated regularly and must not install the program.If the computer still can not boot do not panic, try to check the MBR (master boot record) may be damaged if it is damaged we can make it back to the existing features diwindows 95, 98, ME or from an antivirus program or other utility, how to insert the startup disk and type FDISK / MBR.To reinstate the missing files on windows 95, 98, or Me (not Windows 2000 or XP), turn on your PC with windows startup disk, and after the prompt A: \, type SYS C: and then click enter. Computer system will copy the system files from the diskette to your hard disk.If you have adequate SystemSuite applications or Systemworks, it means that existing facilities management or recovery disk in it. It simply means to secure your computer from damage to the system.

2. Changing Disk PartitionsTo change the hard disk partition, you must back up all data first. So that data is not lost, if you've never ask for help from friends or teachers to guide.To partition the drive to secure better use for the partition program such as PowerQuest's Partition Magic, so as not to cause unwanted problems.

Commands Basic Operating System linux # PART II

Experiment 5: Using the manual
$ man ls
$ man man
$ man -k file
$ man passwd

Experiment 6: Removing the display
$ clear

Experiment 7: looking for a description anticipates the command containing the keyword in the search
$ apropos date
$ apropos mail
$ apropos telnet

experiment 8: The search for the exact same command with a search key
$ whatis date


Commands Basic Operating System linux # PART I

Experiment 1: see identification (id and group id number)
$ id

Experiment 2: see the date and the calendar of the system
> see the current date
$ date
> view the calendar
$ Cal 9 2002
$ Cal -y
$ cal

experiment 3: Looking at the machine identity
$ hostname
$ uname
$ Uname-a

experiment 4: See who is online
> know of anyone who is active
$ w
$ whoami
> changing the finger information
$ Chfn <user>
changing finger information for student.
name [user wks]: name> users in wks>
office []:
office phone []:
home phone [] :
finger information changed.
> See the finger information
$ finger
$ Finger <user>

Commands Basic Operating System linux # PART II

manual linux


Linux provides the onlie manual. be some keyboard keys that are important in using the manual are:
Q                                                          to exit a program of emergency man
<Enter>                                                Down, line perbaris
<space>                                               Down, perhalaman
b                                                          back to the top, 1 page
/text                                                     search for text (string)
n                                                          before continuing the search string

The manual is divided into several sections, as follows:

Part of Contents
1 User Commands
2 System calls
3 Library Calls
4 Device
5 file formats
6 Games
7 Miscellaneous
8 System Commands
9 Kernel internals
N Tel / Tk command

Format instructions for Linux


Standard linux instructions have the following format
$ Name Instructions [options] [arguments]
Pilihab is an option at the start with a minus sign (-). The argument can be empty, one or more arguments (parameters). 
$ ls                                               with no arguments

$ ls -a                                          option is-a = all, no arguments

$ ls / bin                                       with no option, the argument is the / bin

$ ls / bin / etc / usr                        there are three arguments

$ ls -/ user                                an option and 1argumen 1 = long list

$ ls -la / bin  /etc                         2 -1 and the-a option and the second argument

Generation of Computers

  • Vacuum tube - 1946-1957 
  • Transistor - 1958-1964 
  • Small scale integration - 1965 on 
  • Up to 100 devices on a chip 
  • Medium scale integration - to 1971 
  • 100 to 3.000 devices on a chip 
  • Large scale integration - 1971-1977 
  • 3.000 to 100.000 devices on a chip 
  • Very large scale integration - 1978 to date 
  • 100000-100000000 devices on a chip 
  • Ultra large scale integration 
  • Over 100 million devices on a chip





  • Replacement for vacuum tubes 
  • smaller 
  • lighter 

Moore’s Law

  • Component in  an increased chip density
  • Gordon Moore - cofounder of Intel
  • The number of transistors on a chip doubles every year
  • Since 1970 the development is rather slow
  • Transitor to 2 times the amount in developing a chip every 18 months
  • Price of the chip average fixed / unchanged
  • Higher packing density electronic means shorter lines, increasing capacity
  • A smaller size increases flexebilitas
  • Reduce power and cooling needs
  • Some Interconnection improve reliability 
Graph the number of transistors in a Pentium chips