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Understanding Troubleshooting
In the computer world, all things computer-related problem called Troubleshooting of problems in the computer and of course there is. On this occasion we will learn todetect a bit of a problem on your computer, especially related to Hardware.
For problems with the Software should you do first as a simple detection checks the files relating to the Software or the specification of the demand (requirements) of theSoftware. If the problem is complex, you should just reinstall the software, because itwould be too complicated to fix a software, while for problems with Brainware, I can only give advice "deh a break, he ...".

Understanding Hardware
Hardware devices (hardware) is one element of a computer system, a tool that can be seen and touched by humans directly, which supports the process of computerization. In the Indonesian language is called by the hardware. Is a device that can take a look andwe can physically touch, such as the input device,
processing device, and outputdevices. This equipment is generally quite sophisticated. He can work on the ordersavailable to it, which is also called the instruction set. With the commands understood by the machine, then the command to do various activities to a machine that is understandable by the machine so the machine can work based on the composition oforders obtained olehnya.terdapat some basic components of a computer must have in order to operate with hardware baik.perangkat a must-have are:

  1. monitor: hardware that is useful to visualize the output of the process at the PC,
  2. Keyboard: The most important input device used to enter characters, numbers andspecial commands to the computer.
  3. Motherboard: place attachment of various computer components. Motherboard as amedium of communication between the CPU, memory, BIOS, CMOS, video devices,sound devices, data storage devices, chipsets, and much more.
  4. Memory: used to store data temporarily or long-term watu. RAM is a type of devicewill determine the performance of the computer. The first time the computer starts the process that occurs is the initialization of all devices and further information will be stored in RAM.
  5. RAM has many functions, but the important thing is menimpan the execution ofprogram and system hardware drivers that are used.
  6. Disk storage is constructed from one or more metal plate arranged horizontally to therotation axis of the plate.
Techniques in Troubleshooting
There are two kinds of techniques in detecting problems in the computer, which is a technique Forward and Backward techniques. To learn more about these two techniques, we should first discuss the definition of each of these techniques.
Forward engineering
As the name implies, this technique is in all sorts of problems detected since the beginning of the computer is assembled and this technique is usually only used by people who often make a computer dealer computer assembly. This technique is only performed on the detection problem in a simple and done before the computer is turned on (powered). To simplify please refer to the following examples:
• After the computer is assembled, the examination of all hardware has been installed, for example, examine the relationship of the Power Supply cable to the power socket on the motherboard.
• For ATX casing, we check if the Power Switch cable is installed correctly.
• and so on.
Backward engineering
Almost the same as the previous technique, Backward technique is a technique to detect errors on a computer after the computer is turned on (powered). The technique is more widely used because in general the problems in the new computer will arise after the "flying hours" computer is a lot and this is a natural thing. We can take a few examples as follows:
• Floppy Disk that can not read the disk properly.
• The computer will not turn on when power button is pressed on the casing.
• and so on.
Table Detection Problem
After a simple explanation of these two techniques I will discuss more deeply into the techniques Backward, because for home computer users of this technique would be used more than Forward engineering. To further facilitate the detection of problems on your computer, please refer to the following table:
Component Detection Problem
1. Power Supply Measurement Analysis
2. Motherboard

3. Speaker
4. RAM Sound Analysis
5. VGA Card + Monitor
6. Keyboard Display Analysis
7. Card I / O
8. Disk Drive
9. Disk
Measurement Analysis
At this stage, the detection problem by measuring the voltage on the component numbers 1 through 3. Use tools such as multitester to measure the voltage that is received or given component.
Example: Measure the voltage received by the Power Supply, and then measure the voltage supplied by the Power Supply to other components.
Sound Analysis
At this stage of the detection problem using the code sound (beep) owned by the BIOS and can be heard through the PC Speaker. Make sure the PC Speaker cable is installed properly. Possible location of the problem is in the component numbers 4 and 5. To facilitate the introduction of the sound code, please refer to the following statement:
• The sound of a single short beep, it means the system has done a good boot process.
• The sound of a short beep 2 times, meaning there is a problem with the configuration or settings in the CMOS.
• Beep beep one time and short term one time, meaning there is a problem with the Motherboard or DRAM.
• Beep beep one time and the short length of 2 times, meaning there is a problem with the monitor or VGA Card.
• Beep beep one time and a short length of 3 times, meaning there is a problem on the keyboard.
• Beep beep one time and a short length of 9 times, meaning there is a problem in the ROM BIOS.
• The sound of a long continuous beep, it means there is a problem in the DRAM.
• a short beep sounds continuously, meaning that there is a problem receiving voltage (power).
• In some brands will issue Motherboard beep several times when the processor temperature is too high (hot).
• Note: The beep code shall apply to the AWARD BIOS, for other types of BIOS are likely to have different beep codes.
Analysis Display
At this stage tend to be more easy detection of problems due to location of the problem can be determined based on the error message is displayed on the monitor. Possible location of the problem is in the component numbers 6 through 9.
Example: When the computer starts Keyboard Error message appears, it can be ascertained only on the Keyboard layout problems.

How To Recognize Troubleshooting
• If the problem occurs and the system still gives a message on the monitor or beep accompanied by 1 or 2 times, then it is likely the problem lies in the component numbers 6 through 9, which is on the Keyboard, Card I / O, Disk Drive and Floppy disk.
• If the problem occurs and the system gives the beep code more than 2 times, then it is likely the problem lies in the component numbers 4 and 5, ie RAM, VGA Card and Monitor.
• As for the problems that are not accompanied by a message on a monitor or a beep code, most likely the problem lies in the number of components 1 and 2, namely Power suplly and Motherboard.
With both kinds of techniques in the detection of an issue in the computer, the course will further enrich our knowledge in the field of computers, so if one day there is a problem on your computer we can do the first before bringing to the service, even if it should be brought to the service we already understand is the problem, so we are not deceived by a rogue repairman
By understanding the deeper troubleshooting computer would be more easier for us to know the location of the problem in the computer and of course it would be nice if we can fix your own problems. Hopefully a simple discussion about troubleshooting this can be useful, good luck and thank you.

Hardware Troubleshooting Software
Problem: PC is not active at all, the lack of response from the CPU and the Power and LED monitor.Lampu CPU and Monitor does not turn on / off.
Analysis: Power Supply is off or dead
Solution: Replace with a new power supply.
Problem: When the power on there is no response from the CPU but the total dead menyala.CPU monitor, the LED lights on the mainboard is dead and colling fan off.
Analysis: Mainboard damaged or dead
Solution: Replace the mainboard is dead with the living, but adapted to the processor that he used.
Problem: CPU likes to restart suddenly or abruptly
Analysis: Mainboard, RAM, chipset and enhancements dirty
Solution: Clean the mainboard, RAM, Chipset and extras such as hard disk perangkatt
Problem: When turning on the monitor, it appears vertical lines are in the monitor
Analysis: Fans who are not on AGP VGA or alive
Solution: Replace the AGP VGA is dead with the living.
Problem: Winamp program runs fine, but it was running equilezzernya sound card would not make a sound.
Analysis: Soundcard damaged
Solution: Replace the broken soundcard with a living / remove suara.ganti souncard soundcard with PCI slot
Problem: When the CPU at power on you hear a beep a long time but it was
Analysis: Damaged RAM
Solution: Replace the faulty RAM with new RAM
Problem: CPU will light up but the monitor will not turn on, and displays the message No signal, when the cables are connected to the VGA port
Analysis: The cable that connects to the VGA port is damaged or somewhat disconnected
Solution: Disassemble and replace the Monitor VGA cable connecting to a still better
Problem: CPU when the power on light but soon will hang or not respond at all.
Analysis: Colling Fan for cooling the processor die
Solution: Replace the processor with cooling fan colling is still good.
Problem: Mouse Simbadda with USB cable and port ps / 2, the cursor will not start when the mouse is plug it into port ps / 2 mouse but the cursor when the mouse goes to the USB plug
Analysis: Port PS / 2 broken
Solution: Replace the port ps / 2 port of the old with the ps / 2 with a PCI slot that is good or works
Problem: Forgot your password is typed when the system should turn on the PC
Analysis: Password incorrect
Solution: Take the CMOS battery on the mainboard which is then input again as before.
Problem: The printer seems to print, but there is not anything written on paper
Analysis: Printer error
Solution: Remove the head and the cartridge from the printer. Separate ink cartridges from the head. Take hot water, pour in the end mangkok.Celupkan head into the existing hot water in a bowl. Shake your head until the ink is in the head melts. above with a new hot water until the water remains clear of hot (not contaminated by the ink that comes out of the head). Dry the head with a soft cloth until completely dry. Reunite with the ink cartridge head .. Replace the head and the cartridge into the printer and try printing
Problem: Out ...... buy a new computer and reinstall the computer with OS Windows XP service pack 2 ..... but when it wants to install drivers ..... tiba2 will not install ....??
Analysis: Driver is used with XP will not support Vista teapi
Solution: Go to the web page and locate the appropriate driver but the supprt with windows XP then download the driver.
Problem: In the windows when we try to cut folder from one directory to the directory 2, and we'd walk pastenya lancer but the folders from one directory is still there ... not lost ... in a normal windows folder is missing? If the virus but have been using AVG antivirus
Analysis: Infected by Virus
Solution: Uninstall antivirus before use, and install anti-virus to clean the outside like a PC MAV after intu install antivirus to clean the inside like Kapersky or McAfee.
Problem in: Computer does not appear in Network Neighborhood or My Network Places
Analysis: Network Error
Solution: Check ..... Is the "Microsoft File and Printer Sharing" is installed? Check this feature through the Control Panel -> Network Connections -> Local Area Connection, lau ping the network after the sharing of data ....
Problem: When We mengistall Microsoft Office 2003 program it says the data tiba2 please insert your cd uncured
Analysis: There are some missing data
Solution: Replace with a new CD and not pirated ...
Problem: When we want to pull flasdisk and Safely Remove Hardware tiba2 emerge a problem ejecting USB storage device
Analysis: There are other programs running
Solution: Quit all programs that we run include virus scanning as well ...... if not biased, there is a virus in flasdisk may be scanned in once and then remove.
Problem: When installing a network with 2 computers on display tiba2 taskbar it says unplug
Analysis: If the cable is installed incorrectly
Solution: Check or check the network cable is used, and check the straight or cross mode pemasanganya
Problem: When we will menjalanka command prompt or a program that we are typing CMD in the Run of a sudden it does not appear that program
Analysis: There is a system that is infected with Virus
Solution: Repair the computer with the OS CD that was previously used.
Problem: when playing the game all of a sudden sound sound off and running with stagnant stagnant display
Analysis: RAM is not enough
Solution: Add memory to a higher

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